CMI Community Passover Seder
At the CMI community seder we’ll read the Haggadah, sing and celebrate our freedom and the role we play in liberating others. RSVP required.
We warmly welcome you to join us for worship services, education and tikkun-olam activities.
Our building’s office hours are Monday through Thursday 8:30am – 4:30pm and Friday 8:30am – 4:00pm. For more information about any events please call the CMI office at 203-288-3877.
At the CMI community seder we’ll read the Haggadah, sing and celebrate our freedom and the role we play in liberating others. RSVP required.
Join the CMI community for our service to mark the end of Passover
we will celebrate with our Religious School at the Purim Carnival. CMI families and friends are welcome to come dressed in costumes.
Join us as we celebrate the installation of Rabbi Daniel Schaefer as Rabbi of Congregation Mishkan Israel.
Join us in person for Friday night Shabbat services with Rabbi Ross and Cantor Giglio. Services begin at 6:00pm. We hope that you can join our community at 5:30pm for a pre-oneg before services. And a Pizza Dinner after we will wish Rabbi Ross and his family farewell and good luck in their next journey. See you there!
Join the CMI community in person or online for our service to mark the end of Shavuot
The CMI Community is invited to celebrate Shavuot and to wish a Mazel Tov to our 2024 Confirmands! The service and celebration is a beautiful tradition and we look forward to hearing the thoughtful and insightful words of the students. We hope you will join us for this special evening.
Join the CMI community for our service to mark the end of Passover
At the CMI community seder we’ll read the Haggadah, sing and celebrate our freedom and the role we play in liberating others. RSVP required.
Join us in person or online for Passover Morning services with Rabbi Ross and Cantor Giglio. Services begin at 10:30am.
Join the CMI community for shabbat celebrating Rabbi Immerman
Join the CMI community to celebrate Shavuot and the receiving of the Torah
Join the CMI community in person or online for our service to mark the end of Shavuot
Join the CMI community for our service to mark the end of Passover
At the CMI community seder we’ll read the Haggadah, sing and celebrate our freedom and the role we play in liberating others. RSVP required.
At the CMI community seder we’ll read the Haggadah, sing and celebrate our freedom and the role we play in liberating others.
Join the CMI community in person or online for our service to mark the end of Shavuot
Join the CMI community to celebrate Shavuot and the receiving of the Torah
Join the CMI community for our service to mark the end of Passover
At the CMI community seder we’ll read the Haggadah, sing and celebrate our freedom and the role we play in liberating others.
At the CMI community seder we’ll read the Haggadah, sing and celebrate our freedom and the role we play in liberating others.
At the CMI community seder we’ll read the Haggadah, sing and celebrate our freedom and the role we play in liberating others.
we will celebrate with our Religious School at the Purim Carnival. CMI families and friends are welcome to come dressed in costumes.