Necessary or "over the top?" How shall we judge Israel's conduct in Gaza?
Monday, April 15 at 7:00 p.m. – In Person in the CMI lounge
Israel's response to the horrors of October 7 has resulted in the deaths of thousands of Palestinian civilians and caused hundreds of thousands to experience dislocation and the destruction of their homes. What are Israel's obligations to seek to minimize such troubling collateral damage generally and how have they informed the IDF's conduct of the war in Gaza against an adversary that appears to operate with no ethical constraints?
You are invited to join CMI member and Yale moral philosopher Shelly Kagan in a discussion that explores these questions. Seating will be limited, so please let us know if you plan to attend by emailing the CMI office. In preparation for the discussion (or if you're interested by can't attend), we highly recommend viewing the Shalom Hartman Institute's recent webinar, "Just War Theory in Israel and the International Community."