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Judaism: New Interpretations of Old Ideas

  • Congregation Mishkan Israel 785 Ridge Road Hamden United States (map)

Meeting in the Choir room - Led by Rabbi Steinberg. Jewish history is often taught as an unremitting history of suffering. That is not accurate. It is rather a complex interweaving of good times and bad times. Come and talk about why Roman Jews cheered the destruction of the Temple, how Islam saved Judaism, why half of the Jews rejected the Talmud, why medieval towns sought Jewish settlement, who was the Jewish Trump in the 17 th century, why the first historian to write a Jewish history was a French Catholic, why Herzl was not interested in the Dreyfus trial, why steamship lines opened offices to entice Jews to leave Lithuania and come to America.

If this interests you, please join us. (meeting on weeks when Sunday School meets).

Earlier Event: March 23
Chevra Hands
Later Event: March 25
Hebrew School