Eidot Session, Monday, January 20, from 4pm to 5:30pm
ZOOM only
What a mash-up!!!! January 20 is both this year’s national holiday honoring Martin Luther King, Jr. and Inauguration Day for Donald J. Trump for his second term as President.
If you’d welcome the opportunity to spend time later that day discussing an inspiring movie that focuses on racial justice with fellow CMI members, the Confronting Racism Planning Group has got you covered! We’ll supply a link to the film, The Body Politic, (which you’ll need to watch in advance) and then you can join a special Zoom discussion on January 20 from 4pm to 5:30.
The film is one of public television’s POV series of documentaries. Here’s a description: “In Baltimore, Brandon Scott, an idealistic young leader with an ambitious plan to stop chronic violence, is elected mayor. Throughout his first year in office, we follow him as he fights powerful political forces to save lives in Baltimore and reveal a pathway toward healing for the nation.”
Remember: Please watch the film on your own. It’s available here: https://www.pbs.org/pov/films/bodypolitic/ or on the PBS App.
And then join us with your thoughts and comments by registering for the Zoom session.
Here’s the link: https://forms.gle/5ryma5yUrGL9pwci8
For more information, contact Karen Baar at 203-376-9315