This Purim, let us be like Esther and use our voices. What key issues impacting you, your family, or your community should we tackle next? CLICK HERE TO REGISTER or email CMI's CONECT core team leaders Karen Baar or Phil Kent for more information. All sessions will last approximately 1.5 hours.
Sunday, March 6, 10am (Zoom or in person)
Friday, March 11, following Shabbat services (Zoom or in person)
Sunday, March 13, 10am (Zoom or in person)
Tuesday, March 15, 7pm, Rabbinic D'var Torah before meeting (Zoom only)
Sunday, March 27, 10am (Zoom or in person)
These small group discussions are part of a campaign to identify areas of concern and future action for CONECT (Congregations Organized for a New Connecticut), an organization of 38 member congregations to which CMI belongs. Through this campaign, CONECT plans to hear from more than 1,000 people. CONECT has already made an impact on a wide range of issues, including gun violence, health insurance rates, police reform, criminal justice reform, and immigrant rights. Please add your voice to the discussion, virtually or in person.
What are the key issues we should tackle in 2022?